Sunday, March 25, 2012

I'm back!

I apologize for my long absence. I needed to focus on finishing my novel, getting it edited and corrected, and making it ready for the querying process. It's been an all-consuming task, but finally it's finished! And I can honestly say that I'm proud of the final product. Thank you, Jesus!

I have begun sending out queries to different literary agents. With my first rejection under my belt along with several "no response" rejections, this whole process has begun to feel daunting. I sincerely covet your prayers as I continue to "knock" on the many doors before me.

Although I tend to over-think everything, the Lord has (graciously) made it clear that He will be the one to direct my steps. Only God can 'open doors that no man can close, and close doors that no man can open' (Rev. 3:8). So, daily I'm having to choose to trust. Furthermore, my prayer is to the keep the main thing the main thing. Jesus is the main thing, and in the end He is all that matters.

Nevertheless, my first novel is finished. And that (in and of itself) is a huge accomplishment!

Anyway, before I restart my "Love" study, I wanted to share an incredible book I just finished called, The Birthright - Out of the servant's quarters, into the Father's house by John Sheasby. It is a life-changing read. Here is its premise:

If you're one of the millions of Christians weighed down by the guilt of things done, and undone, feeling you are falling short of God's expectations, The Birthright is a liberating, life-changing celebration of your birthright as a child of the King. Whether you are of Reformed, grace-based roots, or Arminian, works-driven traditions, you may have a gnawing sense that you are failing to please the Father. The Birthright will liberate you from the drudgery of 'doing' and help you discover the joy of 'being'--moving out of the servant's quarters and into the Father's house where you are loved, accepted and celebrated . . . simply because you are His child.

If you're interested in reading it for yourself, here's the link to Good Reads:

Until next time!


  1. First novel completed---that is HUGE---good job Laurie & Jesus! I'm glad to see you have fully released the publishing part to Him, including the timing. God is SO good; I can't wait to see what He is going to do with this novel! Love you, Lisa

    1. Amen, sista! It has been an incredible journey!!!
