Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Day Two's search for Love --

The first "love" verse that caught my eye was in Exodus 15, but first I want to lay some groundwork. In Exodus 14 Moses leads the Israelite nation out of slavery and out from under the power and oppression of Pharaoh. As I studied this chapter, it was God's words to Moses that practically flew off the page, "... I will harden Pharaoh's heart, and he will pursue them (the Israelites). But I will gain glory for myself through Pharaoh and all his army, and the Egyptians will know that I am the Lord." 

I've read this story many times, but I must say I thoroughly enjoyed reading it again. I found Pharaoh's duplicity intriguing. He'd given the Israelites their freedom, but once they left he was like, "What did I do? I just sent my free laborers away!" I had to laugh at how quickly his mind was changed. But then again, God did say He would harden Pharaoh's heart. Sure enough God did, and Pharaoh pursued those Israelite workers (along with 600+ chariots, all of his officers, and a full army) with a vengeance.

If you turn back to Exodus 12:33-36 it's even more interesting to read that the Egyptians were (urgently) helping the Israelites to leave. Verse 36 says, "The Lord had made the Egyptians favorably disposed toward the people, and they gave them what they asked for (which was silver, gold, and clothing); so they (Israel) plundered the Egyptians." Wow! is all I can say. How cool is our God?!

So, going back to my first "love" verse... "In your unfailing love you will lead the people you have redeemed. In your strength you will guide them to your holy dwelling" (Exodus 15:13).

This beautiful verse was not only a shout of praise and worship to God, it was actually a line in a song. It was Moses' song of victory after God fulfilled His Word and saved His people! This whole story reminds me that not only is God faithful to His own, He is sovereign, all-knowing, and all-powerful! Praise You, Lord!

The second "love" verse was in Exodus 20:6 - "... but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments."  This verse is actually the second part of a sentence from the actual 2nd Commandment (You shall not make for yourself an idol...).

The first part of the sentence is rather daunting in that God makes Himself clear on his stand against worshipping anything other than Himself (money/greed, status/power, drugs/alcohol, sex/pleasure, vanity/image, etc). Basically God says He will punish (revisit, affect) the children for the sins of the father to the 3rd & 4th generation.

I think we can all agree that we've seen the affects of bad choices carry on through the generations. Alcoholism, abuse, selfishness, greed... the list goes on and so does the pain. However, what's wonderful is to compare the years from both spectrums: 3rd/4th generation (punished for sin) VS. 1000 generations (blessed for faithfulness to God). To me, this shows the heart of God. He'll allow the consequences, but when we turn from those things and choose to love Him, the blessings are innumerable!

On a side note, I've actually reminded God of this promise. He knows that I love Him and now that I have kids, my heart is for them (and for their kids, and their kid's kids) to know Him and love Him, as well. Just from diving back into His Word, I am reminded that I can trust God and He will keep His word!

The last "love" verse was in Exodus 34:6-7a, "The LORD, the LORD, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin."

This was God's response to Moses after he asked to see God's glory. My Life Application Bible study note says it so well, "Notice God did not give Moses a vision of of his power and majesty, but rather of his love. God's glory is revealed in his mercy, grace, compassion, faithfulness, forgiveness, and justice." These qualities and characteristics ARE what make up God's glory!

What a great way to end my study today.
I praise you God, for YOU ARE GLORIOUS!

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