The reason I bring up FB is because I was saddened by something an old high school friend posted a few days ago. He was commenting on an article about some folks in Kentucky spending tax payer dollars to build a magnificent yet controversial Noah's ark replica. I understood his angst, however my heart hurt when he added, "The Bible is stories, people! It's really old and based on 1% of the knowledge of the world we have today." Then he proceeded to suggest reading up on black holes and the expanding universe.
Although I realize that not everyone I know and love believes what I believe, what saddens me is when I'm hit in the face with their total rejection of the faith. What's ironic (and almost funny) is that I remember this guy from my church youth group days... Anyway, his comments struck a cord with me, and not because I judge him and/or think I'm better than him. I don't. I know who I am, and that's a sinner saved by grace! What struck me was how he's been deceived. You see, although the Bible was written over a period of some 1,500 years ago (and by numerous everyday, fallible people), I believe it was directed and inspired by God.
Maybe part of the controversy and distrust exists because of the miracles such as the Old Testament's parting of the Red Sea in Exodus, the sun standing still in the book of Joshua, Jonah being swallowed and spit out by a great fish. Or maybe it's the New Testament's miracles like Jesus walking on water, healing the blind, and/or His resurrection from death. Whatever the case, the reason I believe my friend has been deceived is simple. There's too much proof that the Bible is real!
There's physical evidence -- copies of manuscripts exist (the Dead Sea Scrolls, in particular) and show that the Bible has been transmitted accurately. Furthermore, there are archeological finds such as the Jewish temple at 'Ain Dara in N. Syria or the Tel Dan Stela (a 9th century BC inscription that offers evidence of the house of David outside of the Bible). Here's an article I found to be absolutely fascinating -- click here to read it! Moreover, coins, pottery, beads, seals, and even weapons such as swords and arrowheads have been discovered. The list could go on if I had more time to research!
For a FREE E-book, click here: Top 10 Biblical Archeological Discoveries
Furthermore, I believe that the Bible presents an understandable theology and worldview, and that it presents its material consistently. Needless to add, the Christian worldview is also grounded in history! Not only do the four gospel books (Matthew, Mark, Luke & John) present an accurate account of the life and the ministry of Jesus, but Jesus Himself believed that God spoke through the Bible and continuously revered the Bible as holy and authoritative.
I also found it quite interesting when my friend suggested researching black holes and the expansion of the universe. Why? Because it's when I look up at the night sky that I feel a desire (if not a need) to worship God all the more! The star and galaxies scream of my smallness and God's greatness! And the fact that God knows each star by name and each and every one of us (so intimately, in fact, that He knows the numbers of hairs on our heads!), I'm left in even more awe! The Lord is so unbelievably worthy of our PRAISE! I can hardly contain it!!
So, to get to my "M" point... finally!! My closing argument that the Bible is real, that God is real, and that Jesus was, and is, and is to come, is the simple fact that there's gotta be MORE! And I believe there is "MORE to this life than (just) living and dying." We were made for More! We were wired for More! And I believe that deep inside us is a knowing that something MORE, something greater than ourselves, exists.
Even if we squelch that pulling, that feeling deep inside, at some point in time we will have to face this reality... God is real. He does exist. And one day we will see Him face to face.
Last week, after reading my friend's comments, this 90's song by Steven Curtis Chapman came to mind. Take a sec and read the powerful lyrics below and see what you think. I've also added a link to the video. Then one night this week I hope you'll take a moment to stare up at the stars, and with an open heart, give a shout out to the God who has "expanded the universe" and knows each galaxy, planet, and star by name!
"More To This Life" (By: Steven Curtis Chapman)
Today I watched in silence as people passed
me by, And I strained to see if there was something hidden in their eyes;
But they all looked back at me as if to say…
Life just goes on.
The old familiar story told in different ways,
Make the most of your own journey from the cradle to the grave;
Dream your dreams tomorrow because today…
Life must go on.
But there's more to this life than living and dying,
More than just trying to make it through the day;
More to this life, more than these eyes alone can see,
And there's more than this life alone can be.
Tonight he lies in silence staring into space,
And looks for ways to make tomorrow better than today,
But in the morning light it looks the same;
Life just goes on.
He takes care of his family, he takes care of his work,
And every Sunday morning he takes his place at the church;
And somehow he still feels a need to search,
But life just goes on.
So where do we start to find every part
Of what makes this life complete;
If we turn our eyes to Jesus we'll find
Life's true beginning is there at the cross where He died.
He died to bring us...
"More to This Life" VIDEO