I've been studying the life of Moses and thus the early history of the Israelites. Moses is such a fine example of the type of relationship God desires with each and every one of us -- a personal and intimate relationship. Now Moses wasn't perfect; He struggled with frustration and sometimes he even had a bit of a temper. But Moses also exhibited exceptional humility, endless compassion, and extraordinary obedience. The Israelites, on the other hand, were another story!
Just imagine being a slave in Egypt. Now imagine God hearing your cries for freedom, Him sending two men to face the Pharaoh on your behalf, and then witnessing the mighty acts of God as He displays His might and authority over the Egyptians and their "deities." Moreover, if you study the passages in Exodus you will see that the Lord literally hardened Pharaoh's heart so He could show the people (both Egyptian and Israelite) that He is God and there is no other. What's even cooler to note is that the plaques the Lord sent had a distinct purpose and strategy - to confront and attack these prized Egyptian IDOLS.
Plague #1 -- God turned the Nile River to BLOOD thus showing His authority over not only the god Hapi, the "spirit of the Nile" and Khnum, the "guardian of the Nile," but also over the Nile itself!!
Plague #2 -- God sent hordes of FROGS since the goddess Heket was pictured as having the head of a frog. The Egyptians therefore considered the frog sacred, and now they were up to their ears in them!
Plague #3 -- God sent GNATS/LICE to make not only the Egyptian priests unclean, but also the animals that they would sacrifice to their false gods. No ceremonies for you!!
Plague #4 -- FLIES... biting, swarming, dirty flies also resulted in no ceremonies or worship. These were sent in opposition to Geb, the god of the earth.
Plague #5 -- PESTILENCE brought forth disease and death to many of the Egyptian livestock. God directed this plague against Hathor, the goddess who took on the form of a cow -- another animal considered sacred.
Plague #6 -- BOILS were sent to "dethrone" Imhotep, the god of medicine. No remedies could cure these sores, and all were afflicted. From the lowly servant all the way up to Pharaoh himself!! No Band-Aid could relieve these boo boos!
Plague #7 -- HAIL was sent to quiet Nut, the goddess of the sky, and Shu, the god of the air and separator of earth and sky. Both were found powerless against the Lord, God of Israel.
Plague #8 -- God sent LOCUSTS with the wind. And while the Egyptians cried out to Wadjet, the cobra goddess, begging her to protect her realm, thousands of those flying critters devoured everything in sight! Even Set, the protector of the crops was hopelessly helpless.
Plague #9 -- DARKNESS, heavier than night, blotted out the sun and covered Egypt. Priests cried out to Ra, the sun god, pleading for him to drive his golden chariots across the sky and bring light again. But only when God willed it would the sun appear again!
Plague #10 -- DEATH to the FIRSTBORN - both human and animal. This plague is commemorated in the feast of Passover. Each Israelite family was to choose a young goat or lamb for a sacrifice. They took special care of this lamb until the evening of the fourteenth day of the first month. The lamb was then slaughtered and its innocent blood was painted with sprigs of hyssop over the doorframes of each house. Those houses that did not have the blood of the lamb over its doorways would be struck by the angel of death. From the lowliest to the highest, all of the firstborn sons (and even of the animals) would die. Finally, and because of this final plague, Pharaoh authorized Israel's release from slavery!
As they traveled away from Egypt, the Lord showed His presence with Israel in a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. Like a shield and a sun, His people had the constant assurance that He was there. Furthermore, when Pharaoh changed his mind and chased after his "slaves," God parted a mighty sea so His people could walk on dry land to safety! All of the Egyptian warriors who pursued the Israelites onto the dry land were then drowned when God sent the waters back to their original place.
Now, I don't know about you, but I think if I had experienced those plagues and miracles, I wouldn't doubt God for a second. And there were some Israelites who truly did believe and did not doubt. However, there were many who regretted leaving Egypt and actually missed worshiping idols. In fact, they missed the old ways so much so that they formed a cow out of gold, began to worship it, and partied hard like pagans. As a consequence, God had them put to death.
What those men and women failed to grasp was their IDENTITY. They were God's chosen people, and yet they preferred the tangible albeit fleeting delights of the flesh. What a shame.
As a Christian, my prayer is that I NEVER doubt or forget my true Identity -- who I am in Christ.
Here are just a few verses that have helped me grasp just this:
- John 1:12 - I am a child of God!
- Romans 8:15 - As His child, I can call God "Abba, Father" (He's my Daddy!)!
- Romans 15:7 - I am accepted and acceptable!
- Colossians 2:10 - I am complete in Him!
- Ephesians 2:10 - I am God's workmanship, created in Christ to do His work!
- John 15:15 - I am Christ's friend!
- Colossians 3:12 - I am chosen of God, holy, and dearly loved!
- Psalm 139 - I am known intimately!
- 2 Corinthians 5:17 - I am a new creation in Christ!
- John 15:9 - I am loved!!!
Is there a verse that has helped you find your true identity in Christ? If so, I'd love to hear from you! Please comment and share!